Saturday 25 February 2012

TA-BI-RUN in San Francisco

To overcome jetlag...

eat every meal on schedule adjusted for local time.
sleep at night in local time.
be exposed to light and sunshine during daytime in local time.
exercise during daytime to be exhausted at night.

I dare not to sleep during the flight to San Francisco and ate meal on adjusted time.  I went to bed around 10 pm last night.

This is Day 2 in San Francisco and I woke up at 5:30.  After enjoying Skype talk with my wife and elder son, I went out for run and sunshine.  It was 12.5km run took more than 90minutes.  I admit it was a very slow run.  It was not only for exercise but also for sightseeing.  San Francisco is the city travelers enjoy jogging and cycling.  I didn't rent a car during this trip and I think I made a right choice.

I left my hotel at about 630 am which is about the time of sunrise in san Francisco.
Starbucks is open already.

electric motor vehicle called 'MUNI'

 There are some people swimming in the sea, enjoying open water swimming.  It is too cold for me...


And came back to my room.  Another beautiful day in San Francisco.

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